The meaning of a spiritual retreat can be different for different religious communities. Spiritual retreats are an integral part of many Hindu, Buddhist, Christian and Sufi communities. In Hinduism and Buddhism, meditative retreats are seen by some as an intimate way of deepening powers of concentration and insight.
Take a walk on the game-fenced farm and you will surely encounter plenty of small game.
Impala, Nyala, Common reedbuck and Duiker that freely roam the property. A variety of bird species and the occasional sighting of smaller creatures such as porcupine will always bring delight. Guests are invited to enjoy the dam on the property which is the perfect setting for an afternoon picnic or sun downer.
Close to the southern shores of the Pongolapoort (Jozini) Dam, in the Bird Sanctuary part of the Biosphere, and overlooks the western escarpment of the majestic Lebombo Mountains and the endless savannah woodland of northern Zululand. The Pongolapoort Dam, with its variety of wildlife, is referred to as a mini-Kariba. Some of the animals which may be seen include elephant, buffalo, rhino, leopard, giraffe and many species of antelope. The dam is home to hippos, crocodiles and of course, the fighting TIGER FISH! The dam covers approximately 16 000 hectares with a river stretch of approximately 5km. Fishing takes place from boats and we support the “catch and release” method.
- 1 Game Walk Daily
- 6 Organic Healthy Meals Daily
- Detoxing
- Yoga
- Life Couching
- Dietry Plans
- Massages
- Safari Run/walk
- Health accessment with Healer Omar Botha
Who would benefit from a Detox Vacation?
A Detox Retreat is generally most ideal for:
- Those who are new to detoxification & cleansing and are looking for professional guidance
- Anyone is who is looking to flush out toxins and ’reset’ their body from the inside in a safe & healthy way
- Those who are looking to learn different types of methods to detoxify as well as enjoy various activities & treatments that support the detoxification process
- Anyone in todays terms need to cleance there liver due to all sorts of pollution...
Book your healing retreat
Cost p/p/sharing R 5000,00 for 2nights or R10 000 for 4 nights.
Includes meals, Yoga, Health Accessments & Healing Treatments
Directions To Nkonkoni Fishing Camp
NB: Troublemakers That Make Us Sick - Petrochemicals
This group of troublemakers is extremely toxic to the central nervous system. Anybody with neurological sensitivities and symptoms will be especially sensitive to them.
It’s impossible to avoid all of these toxins, but we can understand what we are up against so we can minimize our exposure to these toxins when possible and take the steps to heal and cleanse our bodies of the rest. Knowing what we are up against is a critical step to being empowered to heal and support and bodies with what they need. If we turn a blind eye, we can cheat ourselves of the opportunity to heal and even prevent future sickness.
Petrochemicals include:
- Carpet chemicals
- Chemical solvents, solutions, and agents
- Diesel
- Dioxins
- Engine oil and grease
- Exhaust fumes
- Gas grills, stoves, and ovens
- Gasoline
- Kerosene
- Lacquer
- Lighter fluid
- Paint
- Paint thinner
- Plastics
Exhaust fumes: Exposure comes from walking down the street, grabbing a package at a delivery person's truck while the truck is still running, getting stuck in traffic on your way to work, passing a lawn that's being mowed or mowing your own, walking up to a restaurant for lunch just as someone fires up a car a few feet away, and so on. Although carbon monoxide is deadly if someone is poisoned by it when there isn't enough ventilation for exhaust fumes, it's not the poison in the liver. The petrochemical particles in the exhaust itself are what end up in the liver.
Dioxins: Imagine a world coated with a dust too fine to see that's inhaled and eaten by every creature on the planet. That's our world, and dioxins are the "dust." These pollutants, a byproduct of over 100 years of chemical factory malfeasance, find their way into air, water, and food. Modern life is generalized dioxin exposure.
Carpet chemicals: These include the chemicals used to treat new carpets during manufacture, the chemicals released from old carpets when they're cleaned, and the carpet cleaning chemicals themselves. We inhale carpet chemicals and also get them on our skin and clothes when we sit on carpets or walk on them in bare feet.